Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It never fails. February is the month to catch big trout when fishing near Captiva Island in Pine Island Sound. Jud Hayes of Gainesville, Florida proved it for us as he brought in several big sea trout while fishing from a rental skiff out of Jensen's Twin Palm Resort and Marina.
Jud used several methods to catch fish which included live shrimp and small pinfish rigged with a popping cork and also artificial baits. If you would like to plan your own fishing trip while visiting southwest Florida you may contact Jensen's Marina at 239-472-5800.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wow! can't believe it February! Sunshine and warm. Well, its beautiful Southwest Florida so this is not so unusual and along with the good weather is great fishing.

Captain Neslon Riaz, working out of Jensen's Twin Palm Resort and Marina on Captiva Island, hooked his party up with redfish and trout. Nelson's charter, David Stanziak of Holland Township, NJ and Jim Gunning of East Holden, ME each caught keeper redfish and big trout.

The fish were caught in Pine Island Sound using artificial baits. You can reach Captain Nelson at 239-472-5800.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Jeff Dixson of Dallas, PA made the fantasy fishing trip recently with Captain Nelson Diaz. Fishing the south end of Pine Island Sound, Jeff landed several redfish and snook.

Captain Nelson took time out before fishing to catch fresh bait. Fish were caught in and around mangrove shorelines and near oyster bars. Jeff had a great time and hopes to be back soon to Captiva Island and escape the harsh north winter.