Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Captain Shawn Kelly of the "Summerwind" out Jensen's Marina
turned his party onto several big trout. Todd Keefer and Kim
DeVoogel of Clearwater, Florida were the lucky fisherman.

Fishing near Redfish Pass at the end of Captiva Island, Captain Shawn first used his cast net to catch some fresh bait. The gator size trout went crazy for the small bait fish.

Dinner that night was special for the guys from Clearwater. Nothing like fresh fish, fresh fish caught that day!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Legendary Captain Jim"Sandbar" Thompson and his charter Crystal Bender out of Orlando landed nothing but big seatrout. Captain Sandbar has been plying the local waters surrounding Captiva Island for many years and he knows most of the tricks to catching all kinds of fish. On this day trout touts worked the best.