Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fishing machine Kurt Krattinger from Dawsonville, GA completed another successful fishing trip while staying at Jensen's Twin Palm Marina and Cottages. Fishing Pine Island Sound just off Captiva Island, Kurt used a variety of baits. A top water lure was the winning lunch ticket for his keeper redfish.

Kurt plans on fishing the oyster bars tomorrow as he feels the redfish will continue to be very active. Time is ticking away before he has to head back to northern Georgia, so Kurt will be packing in as much fishing as possible.

If you are visiting the Sanibel and Captiva Island area and would like some additional details as to how Kurt catches fish, stop by Jensen's Twin Palm Marina and Cottages or give them a call at 239-472-5800 and the Jensen Brothers will arrange for your very own special fishing trip.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Looking for something to do, four friends from the Pontiac, Michigan area stopped by Jensen's Marina to see if they could go fishing. Captain Nelson Diaz was available so Chris Kizy, Kevin Pefley, Mark Stryjewski, and Todd Zill boarded the "Summerwind" charter boat and headed for Pine Island Sound to fish the grass flats.

Captain Nelson rigged some of the guys equipment with live shrimp and the other's with simple jigs. Everyone caught fish which included seatrout and pompano. Later today the crew from Michigan are taking their catch to the Lazy Flamingo restaurant on Sanibel Island for a fresher than fresh seafood dinner.

If you plan to visit Ft. Myers, Florida area contact Jensen's Marina at 239-472-5800 for all your on the water interests including fishing, outer island shelling, sightseeing and dolphin cruises.

Friday, October 24, 2008

John Landry with Waterproof Charts out Punta Gorda enjoyed a day of fishing with Captain Shawn Kelly. Just south and west of Captiva Island at the mouth of the Caloosahatchee River, Captain Shawn found a hotspot for snook. John landed a beautiful 18lb fish as the tide was moving out. Shawn landed a 20lb snook as the tide stopped moving. Both fisherman used live pinfish for bait.

If you find your way to Captiva Island, stop by Jensen's Marina and ask for Captain Shawn Kelly and he will be sure to fill you in on the latest fishing hotspots. For additional fishing imformation for the Captiva and Sanibel Islands area visit our website at www.gocaptiva.com

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ray and Mary Lynn Posgay of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida are spending this week doing what they like to do most-fish. Yesterday morning they made their usual pit stop at Jensen's Marina on Captiva Island to pick up live bait shrimp for the days excursion.

The Posgay's loaded up their boat and headed for their fishing destination, the barrier island inlets off Pine Island Sound. Ray and Mary Lynn fished all morning then decided to take a lunch break, boat motor off, drifting out into the Gulf of Mexico, soaking up the sunshine. No reason to pull in the baits, just relax and enjoy their sandwiches.

Out of now where, Ray's line tighten's and takes off screaming. Ray dropped his sandwich and grabbed his rod and started reeling in. On the other end was dinner, a beautiful 17 inch mangrove snapper. Eating lunch, drifting along in your boat, catching fish. What a day!

Last stop of the day, Jensen's Twin Palm Cottages and Marina to show off their catch and have their photo taken. If you would like to show off your catch and have your photo hang on the walls of Captiva's Fishing Hall of Fame at Jensen's Marina call us at 239-472-5800 and let us know you are on your way. For additional Captiva Island area fishing information visit our website at www. gocaptiva.com

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tides are similar to weather as they are a major topic of fisherman and there is nothing one can do about them. A recent discussion of the subject at Jensen's Twin Palm Marina brought abut a common concern among visiting fisherman to Captiva Island-is the tide coming in or is the tide going out.

Listening to the captains who fish for a living throughout our area of Southwest Florida one will learn that the direction of the tide movement is of less importance than how fast the water is dropping or rising. The quicker the tide water movement the better fishing. Some tide charts provide relative tide movements and can be interpreted to know how quickly the water will be moving at any given time of day.

If you would like a tide chart sent to you or have questions regarding fishing the near waters of Captiva Island, contact Jensen's Twin Palm Cottages and Marina at 239-472-5800 or visit their website at www. gocaptiva.com

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday, October 18th, 2008

Hunter Davis, age 11, along with his dad Rich, made a weekend visit to Jensen's Twin Palm Resort and Marina on Captiva Island which is located along the southwest coast of Florida. Fishing is always on the agenda for Hunter. This morning the father and son team rented a boat from Jensen's and headed for Captiva Pass where they drifted the eddies and currents of the waterway that separates North Captiva and Cayo Costa.

Photo is of Hunter with a saltwater catfish he caught just off the seawall at Jensen's marina. Hunter restocked his bait bucket with live shrimp and has high hopes of catching a snook under the lights at Jensen's Marina.
Monday, October 20th, 2008

Captain Shawn Kelly out of Jensen's Marina and Cottages on Captiva Island reported catching jacks off the beach. Fishing with Captain Shawn was Mike Ripka of Cape Coral. The guys used top water lures and jerk baits.

If you wish to contact Captain Shawn Kelly, call Jensen's Marina at (239)-472-5800 or visit their website at www.gocaptiva.com

Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday, October 17th, 2008

Fall is the time large bait shrimp find their way into Pine Island Sound, the body of water on which Jensen's Twin Palm Cottages and Marina is located. Live shrimp is the choice of bait for those who fish the waters surrounding Captiva Island which is located just off the coast of Southwest Florida.

Graeme Stewart and his son Gordon will testify to the effectiveness of live shrimp for bait as they both caught plenty of fish from the beach just south of the Mucky Duck Restaurant on Captiva Island. Both fisherman caught ladyfish. Graeme kept one of his ladyfish and used it for bait which resulted in a hookup of a huge tarpon. That's right, a huge tarpon right from the beach. Graeme was not prepared to catch a tarpon but he did manage to get one jump out this silver king before losing it.

All fisherman planning a trip to Captiva Island are welcome to contact Jensen's Twin Palm Cottages and Marina for local information at 239-472-5800 or visit their website at http://www.gocaptiva.com/

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

What a beautiful day. Breeze out of the east, palms swaying and the fish were biting. Kurt Krattinger of Dawsonville, Georgia left Jensen's Twin Palm Cottages and Marina on Captiva Island in Florida and headed straight for one of his favorite fishing spots.

Redfish Pass was Kurts destination, the swift moving body water that separates the islands of Captiva and North Captiva. Kurt had his poles rigged with plain leaded hair jig heads with the hopes of catching pompano. Instead, Kurt caught his limit of spotted seatrout, some of which he hooked by using a top water plug.

Before heading back to the dock at Jensen's Marina, Kurt pointed his boat out into the Gulf of Mexico . The wave actionwas minimal. In the distance Kurt observed large patches of sea surface churning which as he approached he discovered to be thousands and thousands of mullet.

Tomorrow Kurt plans to return to the Gulf waters with his castnet aboard and load up on some mullet for the fish fry and music jam at Jensen's Marina this coming saturday night. Jimmy Jensen and The Trouble Starters Band will be performing. Call Jensen's today (239-472-5800), rent a cottage and experience a special moonlit night you'll never forget. Visit our website at www.gocaptiva.com