Wednesday, October 15th, 2008
What a beautiful day. Breeze out of the east, palms swaying and the fish were biting. Kurt Krattinger of Dawsonville, Georgia left Jensen's Twin Palm Cottages and Marina on Captiva Island in Florida and headed straight for one of his favorite fishing spots.
Redfish Pass was Kurts destination, the swift moving body water that separates the islands of Captiva and North Captiva. Kurt had his poles rigged with plain leaded hair jig heads with the hopes of catching pompano. Instead, Kurt caught his limit of spotted seatrout, some of which he hooked by using a top water plug.
Before heading back to the dock at Jensen's Marina, Kurt pointed his boat out into the Gulf of Mexico . The wave actionwas minimal. In the distance Kurt observed large patches of sea surface churning which as he approached he discovered to be thousands and thousands of mullet.
Tomorrow Kurt plans to return to the Gulf waters with his castnet aboard and load up on some mullet for the fish fry and music jam at Jensen's Marina this coming saturday night. Jimmy Jensen and The Trouble Starters Band will be performing. Call Jensen's today (239-472-5800), rent a cottage and experience a special moonlit night you'll never forget. Visit our website at
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